Weight Loss
Over Weight is the invitation for various kinds of diseases. Weight loss treatment in Ayurveda has a good impact on weight loss. It affects physical health and mental health too. Heavyweight personals are also not much active. Diseases like coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes and etc have major chances of occurring. Also over a weighted person is not handsome or beautiful as compared to a healthier person. So heavyweight cause lots of problem in some one’s life. These issues should be rectified as soon as possible.

To maintain a healthy lifestyle.
- Wake up early and start your day with exercise.
- Avoid eating fast and cold food items.
- Stop eating food that remains on the table.
- Avoid using Liquid calories.
- Eat peacefully avoid eating food in hurry.
- Before eating prepare your stomach portion in three parts one for food, the other for water, and the last remaining one for air.
- Don’t consume a large amount of food instead of a balanced diet.
- Don’t feed your stomach up to your neck.
- After meal at least walk for 15 mins.
- Avoid high carbohydrate food and drink.
- Use a rich source of protein food in breakfast.
- Stay tuned to positivity.
- Socially connect to people and attend social gatherings. (Avoid gatherings in pandemics like Covid 19.)
Benefits of Ayurvedic Treatment
Ayurveda has a good impact on weight loss. It has a natural and ancient way of treatment. Ayurved includes medical herbs and exercise to lose weight. Obesity is now emerging as a serious problem in India and worldwide. There are many measures to control it but weight loss treatment in Ayurveda is the most effective one. For more information please visit weight loss treatment in Ayurveda. We at Tambe Ayurved deals in sort of problems related to obesity. We are situated in the Vashi area of Navi Mumbai. For more queries and treatment you can visit our clinic with a prior appointment. We have gents as well as Lady doctor available with us. Our doctors are professionals having years of experience in obesity and weight loss.